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One Critical Question To Ask A Potential Agent...

Updated: Jan 15, 2020

It was a beautiful snowy winter day and I was at an open house at an amazing rural property in Georgina. My first visitors started off in the shop, and as I was heading back to the house to pickup a brochure and MLS data sheet, the snow covered pathway revealed that it was actually an uphill skating rink. In a split second I was on the ground realizing that something was very wrong with left wrist. I immediately let the seller and our team leader know that I would be going to the hospital where I discovered that my left wrist was broken and surgery would be required. Why am I telling you this unfortunate story? If you are interviewing agents and thinking about selling your home one critical question you need to ask them is "what happens if you have an accident or something were to happen to?". As uncomfortable as it may be, selling your home is a big deal and you need to ensure that there are contingency plans in place. Luckily, for our clients, we have a team of diverse agents who are able to offer the highest level of service to our clients without compromise. Our team leader Jennifer, immediately stepped in and took control of all listing and buying transactions on my behalf and for this I am truly grateful. This meant that while I was in surgery, she was negotiating an offer on a condo, continuing where I left off with our open house visitors, managing incoming calls on my behalf and so much more. Most importantly, for our clients, this meant that they were still being fully serviced even though our team was down an agent. No inquiries were missed, showings delayed or offers postponed.

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