When I think of fall, I think brightly coloured leaves, being wrapped in a wool blanket by a roaring fire, the smell of harvest baking: apples, pumpkins and cinnamon. The kids are back to school, routines are back in effect, the cool fall air is settling in, so we thought we'd round up some great DIY in an Autumn theme!
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There are so many options with this! Leaves and pinecones from a stroll through the woods (as ours with a hike through Sibbald Point Provincial Park) felt and fabric scraps tucked away in bins! Krista from happyhousie.porch.com has some really great ideas including wreaths you can do in ten minutes- TEN MINUTES- with gorgeous results! Click for how to's and to look through all the different styles to suit your home!
photo: happyhousie.porch.com

Sometimes you just wanna wear a blanket. During fall, I could live in my jogging pants, wool socks, hoody and blanket and be perfectly content. I am one step closer with this! Take a look at this super easy blanket turned wrap from Erin at houseofearnest.com
photo: houseofearnest.com

I have an obsession the Minimalist Baker. Dana is a superstar, her recipes are simple, delicious and good for you! And what's fall without apples?? Click here for how to make a one bowl- you read that right- one bowl Apple Crumble in 30 minutes...seriously.
photo: the minimalist baker

From candy corn inspired quirky decor to elegant mantles and table runners, WooHome has some terrific ideas to spruce up your interior this fall. Not going to lie, I may need to do candy corn all over the place...
photo: woohome

This is such a cool idea from Curbly! The second I saw it I was hooked! Hallow out a pumpkin, paint it black and fleck it with tiny stars to create an evening atmosphere for your mini camp site, a perfect blend of the cool nights of summer, and embracing the coming fall! Get the mini trees and seats from Michaels or create these pieces yourself out of modelling clay or femo! Click for the breakdown on how to do...
photo: curbly
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