Snow brings along with it many fun activities; building snowmen, skating and skiing to name a few. But it also brings along slow commutes and slippery driving. Will you be prepared for whatever winter throws at you as you head out on the road? Other than the usual basic necessities tossed in your car, such as an ice scraper/snow brush, jumper cables and extra windshield washer fluid, there are important supplies you should keep with you over the winter months in the event that your car breaks down or gets stuck and you are stranded have to wait for an extended period of time until help arrives, or even walk to get help yourself.
Shovel - you may be able to help yourself (or someone else!) dig out if you get stuck!
Sand or kitty litter – both are excellent for helping you get traction on ice.
Proper winter boots and coat, as well as hat, scarf, mitts – you may not always be dressed appropriately for a winter weather emergency as you head out to run errands, for dinner or to visit family and friends.
Blankets – at least one for each person who is travelling in your car. If you have to wait for help, they will help keep you warm.
Grab some non-perishable snacks and bottles of water for the car before you head out.
Reflective cones and a flashlight will help you see and help others see you!
First Aid kit
Cell phone charger
Make sure that in the winter your car always has at least half a tank of gas and top up your windshield washer fluid regularly. Most importantly check the weather before you head out. If snow or freezing rain is on the way, limit your travel to only essential trips and save yourself from potentially being in a situation where you could have issues. Leave yourself plenty of time to get where you are going and drive safely!

Written by: Tanya Chisling (